Decision Intelligence Platform for High-Stakes Corporate Decisions

Game theory, artificial intelligence & machine learning excellence applied to corporate decision-making

We build AI, ML and game theory-driven intelligent decision systems for critical company situations

Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from asset management industry to listed companies

We analyse latest financial data in real-time

We have access to latest financial data both concerning individual companies and macro events. Our system analyses financial data and trends in real time.

We have proprietary high-end machine learning models and game theory algorithms 

Our machine learning algorithms predict company solvency and liquidity with accuracy and back test the predictions using advanced corporate finance analysis.

We have finetuned large language models for creating a state of the strategies

We use state-of-the-art large language models, retrieval augmented generation systems, LLM agents and document analysis to form detailed and insightful financial and legal strategies for professionals

Our system solves complex restructurings and bargaining scenarios 

We utilise advanced game theory algorithms to calculate and determine the best financial, restructuring and transaction strategies for shareholder and different creditor classes. The system plays the optimal strategies against the strategies of all other stakeholder groups.

Our game theory solutions are based on latest research and cannot be easily replicated 

Our game system avoids most of the theoretical problem scenarios encountered in complex social games and uses several game equilibrium solutions to determine the best strategies.

Our team has decades of practical and theoretical experience

Our team and advisory board has deep understanding and practical experience of asset management, investment banking, financial contracting and disputes as well as strategic advisory.

The core services

We offer cloud-based, secure and fast system for the most demanding clients in solving financial and legal strategy challenges with actual, specific company data, saving your time and resources in the most demanding and time-consuming transactions

Corporate Distress Strategy system

  • Determine predicted solvency of a particular company
  • Get detailed financial and distress strategy analysis in real-time
  • Determine the first, most important legal steps to implement the strategy based on company agreements such as indentures, loan agreements and restructuring agreements
  • Shorten your analysis span from weeks and months to minutes

ESG Analysis system

  • Distill from complex environmental, social and governance documentation the essential to your firm, portfolio analysis and loan analysis.
  • Save time and analysis resources by getting systematic, comparable, easy-to-analyse ESG data in real-time.
  • Track portfolio and company ESG compliance against your investment policy with ease.

Mergers and Acquisitions system

  • Determine the optimal M&A strategy in relation to the target company
  • Analyse your best negotiation strategies against the owners and the creditor-base
  • Get basic analysis for material M&A red flags, pressure points and deal-breakers using game theoretical and AI assistance
  • Get basic analysis that you can refine and take forward with your financial and legal advisors

We are part of the Oxford University Innovation’s Incubator – Phase II companies

“We master complex negotiations and transactions”